Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spiritual Snobbery

Last night, Brit Hume only intensified his calls for scandal-plagued Tiger Woods to renounce his Buddhist faith and convert to Christianity. You can hear his argument, made to WTOP News radio in Washington, D.C., here.

This past Sunday, on Fox News, Hume made his first call for Woods to take solace in the “redemption and forgiveness” of Christianity, startling a lot of viewers with such frank religious proselytizing. Since Hume is currently a commentator as opposed to a news anchor, his opinion isn’t out of line for his role on TV.

Still, to assert that Christianity is a better faith from which to seek comfort than Buddhism seems a bit naive, to put it kindly. And what of this radio statement by Hume last night?: “You could argue that the two most controversial words in the English language are ‘Jesus Christ.’”

Really? Or is Jon Stewart’s take on the subject more in line with mainstream religious thought?:

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