Saturday, January 16, 2010

Spiritual Message in Christian Blessing

If one listened to the world news, we would have a grim view of the prospects for peace and prosperity in the new year.

With trouble and chaos appearing on all sides and in all places, the human spirit experiences a deep sadness as it struggles to find light at the end of the tunnel. If we as citizens of this great nation cannot live peaceably with our fellowman, then we must strive with every fiber of our being to find an oasis of peace within ourselves if we are to survive on planet earth.

As I wrestled through a personal problem, I knew with Gods' help the problem would be resolved.

As I sat at my desk in my second-grade class, my students occupied themselves with busy work while I was dismally focused on a disturbing experience. My heart sank as I mentally reviewed the unkind words exchanged between a close friend and myself. In the midst of my mental preoccupation, one of my students timidly approached my desk. At age 7, she demonstrated a maturity beyond her years.

In a sweet angelic voice, she asked to sing me a song. Intuitively, I was aware that a greater power was working through this child to bring peace and healing into a troublesome situation. As I gave her my full attention, I could feel God's peace wash over me, calming my nerves and chasing all the shadows away.

The song "I cast all my cares upon you" was one of my favorite Bible verses put to song, but on this day it captured my whole being. I could feel God remove the sword from my hand and replace it with the "peace that passeth all understanding."

In the midst of my mental misery, God sent this child to me with a message of peace and spiritual enlightenment. Her words dispelled the darkness and opened the doors to inner healing and forgiveness. As I reflect on this experience, I am inspired by God's mandate: "And a child shall lead them."

Two thousand years ago, the child Jesus led God's people out of darkness into the light of God's truth without firing one bullet, rather the quiet voice of spirit touched the minds and hearts of souls searching for a way in the wilderness. Today, the Christ child leads those who have a child-like spirit and renewed faith out of the valley of fear into the dawn of a new day.

Sharon Caprio


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