Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Joy - Happiness - Satsang is Tomorrow

There is a time when you hear, “How often do you hear people say, "Erica is so full of joy"? It's more like, "Erica seems so happy"”. That's because happiness and joy are two different things, and more often we see people temporarily happy, rather than consistently filled with joy or is this all nonsense. Happiness is more like a mood, meaning it can change at any given moment or is it our fleshly nature that we are happy when things are going our way and if they aren't, then our flesh will surely show it or is this all nonsense talk. It's temporary says one or all of you. Joy is much more than just a feeling or is this a crock of talk. It is possessing great delight and gladness or so we say. I want internal joy, not external happiness is that the answer for all?

Satsang is tomorrow. Come share your ideas on joy and happiness or find a chapter from Yudhishtara’s free online book.

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