Sunday, September 30, 2007

There Is Nothing To Find

Yudhishtara conducted satsang on June 13, 2007 and he had many wonderful thoughts to share. There were many profound thoughts shared, but perhaps the one that most caught my attention was the thought, "The number one easy thing is to realize that there is nothing to find."

This type of statement has been made many times, by many people, in many different locations, but how often do we take it serious. We want to meditate; we want to search; we tend to believe that if the journey is a difficult one, then it isn't worthwhile. It can't really be reality if I didn't do something out of the ordinary to "find" IT.

As always, one needs to contemplate the simplicity of the words and most important, accept the sentence for just a moment and taste it. Maybe it really is that simple. Discover the Beloved Mystery Within You in a very simple way. Take Yudhishtara at his word.

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