Sunday, September 2, 2007

The Key to Manifestation - Know Your Spirituality

The Times of India has written a beautiful poem in their Sunday, September 02, 2007 online edition concerning the subject of spirituality. It is a poem that everyone should be exposed to and so on this day it is presented at for all the world to enjoy that hasn’t already read it at:

There is no byline and so I am unable to provide the authors name, but suffice it to say it is a beautiful poem.

The poem begins: Being spiritual or not spiritual isn't an option. You were born spiritual and everything you do is spiritual. So what is the deal with trying to be spiritual, trying to find your path of enlightenment?

I believe we are programmed to believe we are not spiritual unless we have a religious belief. For centuries believers in organized religion have been trying to recruit non believers and convert them to their faith.

The bottom line for them is it's simply good business and nothing else. Long before there were institutions of worship, there were millions of people who were very aware of their own spirituality and they understood the connection between themselves, others and their environment.

Although many of us are not aware of our spirituality it doesn't mean we are not spiritual. It is spirit which moves the body, that knows it's alive and its connection to the environment. Awareness of this is what most people are lacking. The benefits of knowing ones true nature or spiritual connection are many.

The poem continues: If you lived in a dry land and everyday was a great effort to find and gather water, would it not benefit you to know that by digging below your feet you would find all the water you could use?

If you were homeless and you spent your days sitting on the same corner begging for food, would it not benefit you to know that there is a free soup kitchen only two blocks away?

If you were in the market for a new car and your local dealer did not have what you were looking for, would it not benefit you to know that in the next town, they have the exact model you're looking for?

The poem continues: Knowledge is power; the awareness of one's own spiritual nature is power. The most amazing thing is we do not have to do anything or look anywhere to be spiritual.

We simply have to know we are already there. The benefits of this knowledge are infinite opportunity to experience anything we desire. Would this knowledge serve you to know you can have abundance, good relationships, love, or anything you desire simply by knowing that you can? The knowledge of your own spirituality can open doors to places you never thought were possible. The big difference between believing and knowing is in knowing you already have it, you are already experiencing it.

The poem makes a key point: In believing or having faith that you will have a thing, it is something that may occur in the future. In knowing you are the spiritual one who will create what you wish to experience, you have access to immediate delivery and it is not incumbent upon the whims of someone or something else.

The greatest secret to the benefits of spiritual awareness is the power that it holds. Thinking, believing, trusting or having faith that you are spiritual does not take you there – it is the awareness of being spiritual which makes it so.

It's within the acceptance of being this power that you are able to use it.

Humanity knew this a very long time ago, but gave up the responsibility for it because it feared its own imagination and the awesome limitlessness of its capabilities.

The poem continues: Power is non-power unless it's used. The responsibility for this power was too much for primitive man. Instinctively man still knows his connection to this power that never went away. He chose a life of limited power and a lifetime of trying to find it. Man generally fears to think too big. He is still very primitive in his thinking and his concerns are with himself and his little empire.

There are other places, other realms yet to be discovered that will require him to be more powerful. Until he is ready to claim back his spirituality and power he will never leave this earth.

The good news is that you can have it all now through complete acceptance of what you truly are. Spirituality is worthless until you know its value and place in your own awareness.

As you read this, you would have a greater understanding of why you do not have complete authority over your life or have limited power.

You would know why things do not always work out the way you want them to that you have accepted less because you are not ready to accept what is already yours.

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Spiritual Enlightenment

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