Saturday, November 14, 2009

Spirit Found in an Email

A while back an image formed in my mind that I thought would be helpful in illustrating a difficult theological concept. This analogy arose from my background in technology and science before I entered the seminary. The image is that of an electrical circuit-one containing both a switch and a variable resistor. The theological concept is that of the distinction between "justification" and "sanctification.” People, even theologians, often confuse the two. This can be frustrating at best, or it can obscure God's gift of salvation at worst. This simple electric circuit makes a good analogy because you've likely seen it at work already-and may even have one or more in your home right now! A variable resistor is known in more common terms as a "dimmer switch." Whereas a simple switch only allows you to turn a light on or off, a dimmer switch allows you to make your lights bright or dim to your liking. Now how can this example from modern electronics help illustrate the theological concepts of justification and sanctification? Let's start with the Bible. Concerning salvation, what does Scripture say?

1. The act of God declaring a person who has committed sins but who receives forgiveness by faith in the righteous life, suffering and death of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21) on their behalf is called "justification." Read Roman 3:22-24. It clearly states that we all fall into this category, but it is God's grace alone through the work of Jesus Christ that entitles us to be saved-or as the NIV text reads, "justified." Romans 4:5 and Ephesians 2:8-9 further clarify that this justification is not based on any worthiness or merit of our own (see also Romans 3:28, Galatians 3:3). How the electrical circuit analogy helps us better understand this concept of justification is this: just as a simple switch is either on or off, so a person is either saved or condemned (Mark 16:16). There is no middle ground - just as a woman cannot be only "a little pregnant." We can neither add to nor subtract anything from our justification.

2. The act of justification is not to be confused with the process of "sanctification." Whereas justification (also referred to as salvation or “conversion”) is a one-time completed action, sanctification is an ongoing process. The Apostle Paul, as sanctified as he was, acknowledged that he had not attained perfection (Philippians 3:12); none of us ever will during this life. We can, however, strive to become more Christ-like in our actions (Philippians 3:10). This is Sanctification. Sanctification can be stated in simple terms as "the evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in my life" (Titus 3:5). Or, put another way, “my demonstration of the ‘fruit of the Spirit’” (Galatians 5:22-23). While our justification is not dependent upon us (Acts 16:31), mankind is entirely capable of cooperating or resisting the work of the Holy Spirit (John 14:15). It is our “resistance” to the Holy Spirit’s work that is represented by the dimmer switch! The “light” of the Holy Spirit in your life is on because of your justification. How brightly it shows in your life, however, is determined by how much you cooperate with or resist the work of the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51). A bright light meets with little resistance from the dimmer switch, whereas a dim light encounters a high measure of resistance.

Now what does this mean for you? It means that because your salvation/justification is dependent only upon the completed work of Jesus Christ, you need never fear that your earthly life and deeds are not good enough to get you into heaven! John 3:16 says nothing about our works. Furthermore, you have the assurance that nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39). You are secure. As long as you can say “Jesus is Lord” (and mean it) you have the Holy Spirit in you (1 Corinthians 12:3). But this concept also means that the gift of salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit create a life change in you that compels you to live according to God’s commands (Psalm 119:41-48). The Lord loves you just as you are (Romans 5:8), but He loves you too much to leave you just as you are. The Holy Spirit will continually work to conform you to the image of His Son Jesus. If you want to better understand the work of the Holy Spirit in your life, send me an email, give me a call, or stop by on Sunday! In His Holy Name.

Rev. Augie Iadicicco is mission developer and pastor at Saving Grace Lutheran Church. Saving Grace meets at the Queen Creek Middle School on the SE Corner of Ellsworth and Queen Creek roads. Services are on Sunday morning at 8am (Traditional) and at 10:00am (Contemporary). Sunday School is offered for children during the 10am service. A staffed nursery is available at both services. Visit or call (480) 888-9673 to learn more about their ministry.

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