Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Different Perspective on Spiritual Enlightenment

Written by Doc Edwards
Thursday, 27 May 2010 12:01
About a hundred and sixty years ago scientists at the Borden company came up with "Instant" milk, though, that naturally meant --- unless you're one of those who drink it strictly "black," --- that "Instant" coffee would follow. And so it did. So, here we are a little more than a hundred years later, and nearly everything now has its "Instant" or condensed version. Why then should anyone still be surprised to find --- that is, if research at the University of Wisconsin, Stanford, and M.I.T. over the past few years is any legitimate indicator of "things to come"--- that such a previously unthinkable thing as �Instant� Spiritual Enlightenment as well as "Instant" Higher Mental Powers might not also be possible? Of course, "Instant� might be pushing the envelop just a bit too far --- instead, let's just say simply "a faster route to enlightenment and higher mental functioning and powers." But at any rate, the point is, given the Western World's seemingly insatiable appetite, desire, and demand for immediate gratification in nearly everything else, who�s to say they shouldn't or couldn't have it in spirituality as well.
Where it all began is when researchers at the University of Wisconsin's Neurological Research Department asked His Holiness the Dalai Lama to lend them a few well-seasoned and practiced monks to explore brain wave phenomena, particularly in this case, anyway, the quite obvious effects that certain emotional states seem to have on the production of brain waves in the human brain and mind.
Like the Buddha himself might have suddenly appeared in the lab, you can imagine the excitement that resulted when it was discovered that when these monks, as well as other experienced meditators, held or had strong feelings of compassion or empathy, it produced, as a consequence in their display of brain wave activity, as it was recorded and documented by an E.E. G. machine, an incredible rise in the production and manifestation of the rarest brain wave frequency of all, the illusive and mysterious, Gamma wave,� the mystical wave of illumination and enlightenment,� as some have come to call it.
Of course, almost everyone, at least everyone who has any interests at all in higher, more beneficial, more intuitive, and enhanced states of consciousness is familiar with the standard and known effects produced by such brain waves as Alpha, with its profound effect on relaxation and creativity, and Theta waves with their own credentials and credits for producing states of higher consciousness, as well as Beta, which is often called, the Reality (this reality) brain wave, and its uses in treating certain mental disorders, but few there be that know much about, well less have actually experienced , what is truly and rightly called, the brain waves master brain wave,.. the Gamma wave.
The remarkable thing about the Gamma brain wave frequency -- among a long and growing list of remarkable things already --- is that it is the one brain wave that can duplicate all of the effects produced by all of the other brain wave patterns together... ", and then some," as they say! In a mysterious way that defies even an explanation by the university researchers, the Gamma wave frequency seems to unlock and open in the human mind a ancient doorway and portal that began closing --- at least in most of our species--- long ago when our survival as a species no longer depended entirely on some or all members of the tribe seeing and knowing psychically, through a paranormal side effect of this illusive Gamma brain wave, what was on the other side of the mountain long before they ever could actually physically see it with their eyes. Obviously, as well as, inexplicably, both then as now, the activity and presence of this Gamma wave induces and switches on mystical powers of clairvoyance and precognition, even some claim sudden remarkable flashes of incredible states of profound mystical awareness and enlightenment --- it has for me and many that I have worked with, as well.
When the Gamma-Effect, as it is being called, is induced by a special new technique for activating this higher Gamma wave (see my website, for more info) even the most average of human minds can experience, if the Gamma brain wave frequency is properly induced, the sudden ability to function at paranormal levels so high that they are capable of producing and manifesting not only states of higher enlightenment, but also to duplicate feats of Psi activity that would make Uri Geller blush for having been so presumptuous as to call himself a psychic.
C-O-M-P-A-S-I-O-N Spelled Backwards Spells Gamma
The really interesting thing to develop and come out of all of this research at the University of Wisconsin really didn't take place there, but in Tennessee, where several of us in a group, calling ourselves then, the Gamma-Mind Group, all of whom were either practicing clairvoyants or had some other credentials and background in Mind Enhancement and Higher states of consciousness, such as that associated with T.M. (Transcendental Meditation), saw a potential in the results of this research that others either didn't see or didn't care to develop. Really the theory behind the technique we have today, which we proposed several years ago and then spent several years developing and tweaking, is very simple in principle, but produces as you can imagine profound results and effects: We reasoned that if the Gamma Effect (as we began to call the collective phenomenal results of increased intelligence, altered states, and paranormal functioning that resulted when Gamma waves were induced in the brain) could be manifested in the human brain in response to the hyper-emotional state produced (at least in those capable of these strong feelings) by feelings of great compassion and empathy, then why could not most anyone, Buddhist monk or a busboy in a restaurant, by intentionally inducing in their conscious awareness a profound feeling of compassion not also likewise exhibit a profound and pronounced state of high Gamma activity. They did. And it worked. And it works every time as long as your feelings, filtered through your emotional make-up and sustained and supported by the imagination, are developed out of, and supported by, a high state of SINCERETY as to the feelings generated.
As one of our members, a fellow co-researcher pointed out, once when a student asked to be shown exactly how to do it, after trying a time or two on his own to induce the Gamma Effect without following the exact technique and procedure as we had set it out to be followed, my fellow co-researcher said in response, �It�s kind of like when you've tried to make yourself cry." The young student looked more perplexed than when he asked to be shown, just a moment ago, and shook his head back and forth slowly in denial of ever having tried to make himself cry.
My co-researcher, an older guy about sixty, looked just a tad bit exasperated, �When you were a kid, didn't you ever try and make yourself cry so the grown-ups would pay attention to your faked illness so they wouldn't make you go to school that day, or else you wanted to make them think they had brought you near to seeing the white light before death from some otherwise lame and barely felt spanking, just so they wouldn't try a little harder to deliver the real wallop that might actually make you cry? The beleaguered student only stared at my partner in blank eyed, doe-faced amazement, "I've got to induce Gamma?

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