Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Yoga Man Promotes Spiritual Enlightenment


For the next 12 weeks I will be showing you a series of easy yoga postures that combine to make you more flexible, mobile and to give you confidence to go and take part in regular yoga practice. Yoga has been around for thousand's of years, it actually goes as far back as 3000 BC . Archaeologists have even found evidence of yoga postures etched in stone .The original Yogi's have their roots in Hinduism and sought to live their lives in a intense spiritual practice which often lead to living as a recluse to get spiritual enlightenment. Yoga taught ethical values being purity, tolerance, exercise, breath awareness and meditation. In the 1960's a yoga guru called Sivananda from Malaysia, became influential in the spread of yoga across Europe and America. His teachings have been very influential to the way yoga is seen and practiced today.

There are now many ways and many styles of yoga to bring into your life . DVD's, workshops and classes are everywhere. The trick is like anything, consistency and practice makes perfect. I would make sure wherever you try yoga that the teacher is qualified and insured and has plenty of experience.
If you are unsure of how to get started, visit the British Wheel of Yoga website, they have lots of useful information and you can even sign up to become a teacher.
The video's I will be posting have been developed by yoga teacher, Nicola Phoenix and are designed to help you become familiar with basic techniques . These postures ( asana's ) and exercises are not suitable for those who are pregnant, suffering from injury or have a back complaint. When following the video, never force your body always listen to your body and if at anytime your uncomfortable, STOP.
Always relax and breathe into the asana's and allow your body to find new without strain or effort.

Next week, the warm-up and some great yoga giveaways.

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